Saturday, March 17, 2007

Weekly Run Summary

Here is my running summary for the week:

Sunday - off
Monday - 10 miles easy
Tuesday - 7 miles easy, with 6x100 strides
Wednesday - off
Thursday - 7 miles easy, with 6x100 strides
Friday - 6 miles easy, with 6x100 strides
Saturday - off
TOTAL - 30 miles

I should add a word or two about my overall strategy, as well as other (non-running) goals. First, I like to compete in off-road triathlons, like Xterras, so I'm also doing some biking and swimming during the week. For example, this week I swam 3 days and biked 2 days in addition to the running schedule you see above. That's one reason I'm planning to run only about 4 days, and a max of 30-40 miles, per week.

I realize that most runners who want to run a sub-40 10k would run at least 5-6 days a week, and perhaps as many as 50-80 miles. I'm hoping to do it on a lot less, as I don't want to compromise my swim and bike.

I think this approach is going to make my running goals a lot more challenging, because I'm limiting the amount of running I'll do. Hopefully I'll be up for it!

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